Women's Entry Level Team Program
This Kokomotion Program competes under the National Gymnastics Association (NGA) at levels 1 through level 5 & USA Gymnastics (USAG) Bronze Through Gold. We feel that the lower NGA levels & USAG Xcel system is more productive, more progressive, and more fun. The USA Gymnastics (USAG) compulsory levels program tends to hold gymnasts back. By coupling both the USAG Xcel & NGA Levels program we maximize their opportunities to compete. It will enhance the variety and entertainment of both gymnast and parent, making a happier training and competition environment.
Families are financially responsible for Monthly Tuition, Meet Entries, and Travel Expenses of the coach working the meet. The Meet Entries and Travel Expenses will be dealt with through a monthly "Competition Fee" that spreads the expense over 8 months.
Competition Team is by invitation or by tryout. If you are former or current competitive gymnast looking to train with us, give us a call to set up a trial time.
Level 1
Level 1 meets 2 times per week for 1.5 hours per practice.
Level 1 will have routines that are choreographed in-house according to a set of rules made by the national governing body (NGA). Every gymnast at this level (in this gym) will compete the same routine with minor differences. The goal is to create a strong foundation of movement, control of one's body, and basic skills while training the core of the next level gymnastics.
Typical skills in a Level 1:
Vault: Run & Hurdle to Straight Jump
Bars: Cast, Back Hip Circle
Beam: Pivot Turn, Straight Jump, Passe Balance, Straight Jump Dismount
Floor Routine: ½ Heel-Snap Turn, Split Jump (or Leap) to Tuck Jump, Forward Roll, Backward Roll, Handstand
Typically the Level 1 Team will compete about 5 meets (December Through May). This may include a State Championships.
Level 2/Bronze
Level 2/Bronze meets 2 times per week for 3 hours per practice.
These levels have routines that are choreographed in-house according to a set of rules made by the national governing body (NGA & USAG). Every gymnast at this level (in this gym) will compete the same routine with minor differences. The goal is to continue to build on the strong foundation of their basic skills while increasing the difficulty & execution of the skills.
Typical skills in a Level 2/Bronze:
Vault: Front Handspring to Flat Back Landing
Bars: Glide, Pullover, Cast, Back Hip Circle, Underswing Dismount
Beam: ½ Turn, Split Jump, Handstand, Side Handstand Dismount
Floor Routine: ½ Turn, Split Leap to Leg Swing Hop, Handstand (Forward Roll), Back Walkover to Back Extension Roll to ¾ Handstand
Typically the Level 2 Team will compete about 7-8 meets. Approximately one to two per month for 5 months (December Through May). This may include State Championships.
Level 3/Silver
Level 3/Silver meets 3 times per week for 3 to 4 hours per practice.
This level will have a limited options in music (Floor) & choreography (Floor, Beam, & Bars). Each option on Floor & Beam will showcase a different style of dance.
Typical skills in a Level 3:
Vault: Front Handspring over Mat Stack
Bars: Pullover (or Kip), Cast, Back Hip Circle, Squat On Dismount
Beam: ½ Turn, Split Leap or Jump, Back Walkover or Cartwheel, Side Handstand Dismount
Floor Routine: Full Turn, Split Leap (or Jump) to Tuck Jump, Roundoff Back Handspring, Front Handspring to Roundoff
Typically the Level 3 Team will compete about 8-10 meets. Approximately one to two per month for 5 months (December Through May). This may include State & Regional Championships.
Level 4/Gold
Level 4/Gold meets 4 times per week for 3 to 4 hours per practice.
This level will have a unlimited options in music (Floor) & choreography (Floor, Beam, & Bars). Each gymnast will work one-on-one with a choreographer to create a unique routines on Floor & Beam that will highlight their skills and style.
Typical skills in a Level 4:
Vault: Yurchenko (Back Handspring) over Mat Stack, Handspring Over Table
Bars: Kip, Cast, Back Hip Circle, Squat On, Tapswing, Tapswing to Flyaway Dismount
Beam: Full Turn, Leap or Split Jump to Straight Jump, Cartwheel or Back Walkover, Roundoff Dismount
Floor Routine: Full Turn, Split Jump (or Leap) to Tuck Jump, Roundoff 2 Back Handsprings or Back Tuck, Front Handspring Step-Out
Typically the Level 4 Team will compete about 8-10 meets. Approximately one to two per month for 5 months (December Through May). This may include State & Regional Championships.
Level 5/Gold
Level 5/Gold meets 4 times per week for 3 to 4 hours per practice.
This level will have a unlimited options in music (Floor) & choreography (Floor, Beam, & Bars). Each gymnast will work one-on-one with a choreographer to create a unique routines on Floor & Beam that will highlight their skills and style.
Typical skills in a Level 5:
Vault: Yurchenko (Back Handspring) onto Mat Stack, Handspring Over Table
Bars: Kip, Cast, Clear Hip Circle, Kip, Squat On, Kip, Cast to Flyaway Dismount
Beam: Full Turn, Leap or Split Jump to Straddle Jump, Back Walkover or Back Handspring, Back or Front Tuck Dismount
Floor Routine: Full Turn, Split Leap or Switch Leap to Straddle Jump, Roundoff Back Handspring Back Tuck (or Layout), Front Handspring Step-Out Front Handspring (or Front Tuck)
Typically the Level 5 Team will compete about 8-10 meets. Approximately one to two per month for 5 months (December Through May). This may include State & Regional Championships.